Case Study

ESP Utilities Group Website Development

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Client: ESP Utilities Group
Industry: Utilities
Duration: 2 months

Project Overview

ESP Utilities Group, a leading provider of gas, electricity and water connections, required a modern, user-friendly website to enhance customer engagement and streamline various utility management processes. The project involved integrating advanced features like live incident alerts, a comprehensive document library, a robust “My Account” section, and an address lookup tool to verify if ESP is the supplier. The goal was to create an intuitive digital experience that caters to both residential and commercial customers.


  • Develop a visually appealing and user-friendly website
  • Implement live incident alerts to keep users informed in real-time
  • Create a comprehensive document library for easy access to important resources
  • Develop a feature-rich “My Account” section for customer self-service
  • Integrate an address lookup tool for supplier verification
  • Ensure website compliance with WCAG 3.0 accessibility standards

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Best Practices



Key Features and Functionalities

1. Live Incident Alerts
To keep users informed about any service disruptions, we implemented a live incident alerts feature. This real-time notification system ensures that customers are promptly updated about any incidents affecting their gas, electricity, or water supply, enhancing transparency and trust.

2. Document Library
We developed a comprehensive document library that provides easy access to a wide range of resources, including service guides, safety information, and regulatory documents. This centralised repository is designed to help users quickly find and download the information they need.

3. My Account
The “My Account” section is a robust self-service portal that allows users to manage their utility accounts effortlessly. Key functionalities include:

  • Property Registration: Users can easily register their properties with ESP Utilities.
  • Update Details: Customers can update their personal information and contact details.
  • Change Address: Users can manage address changes efficiently.
  • Manage Direct Debit: This feature enables customers to set up, view, and manage their direct debit payments.
  • Submit a Meter Reading: Users can submit their meter readings online, ensuring accurate billing and timely updates.

4. Address Lookup Tool
To help users determine if ESP Utilities is their supplier, we integrated an address lookup tool. By entering their post code, users can quickly verify their supplier status, making the process of connecting or switching utilities seamless and straightforward.

5. WCAG 3.0 Compliance
Ensuring accessibility was a priority for ESP Utilities Group. The website was developed in compliance with WCAG 3.0 standards, incorporating features like text scaling, high contrast modes, and screen reader compatibility. These measures ensure that the website is accessible to users with various disabilities, providing an inclusive digital experience for all customers.

Results & Metrics

53% increase in engagement

32% increase in visitors

65% decrease in bounce rate


The development of ESP Utilities Group’s new website successfully addresses the needs of their diverse customer base, providing essential tools and features that enhance user experience and operational efficiency. By integrating live incident alerts, a comprehensive document library, a feature-rich “My Account” section, and an address lookup tool, we have created a platform that supports ESP’s commitment to excellent customer service and operational transparency.

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