Case Study

Tate Group Portal Development

Client: Tate Group
Industry: Facilities Management
Duration: 1 month

Project Overview

Tate, a leader in commercial building solutions, required a comprehensive internal portal to effectively manage various aspects of their operations, including vehicles, nonconformities, suppliers, accreditations, documents, and staff qualifications. The portal needed to provide alerts for expiring documents and training, as well as upcoming renewals, ensuring compliance and facilitating auditing purposes. Additionally, the portal required a Skills Matrix to give an overview of all staff training and qualifications with their expiry dates. The goal was to create a robust and user-friendly tool that enhances operational efficiency and supports regulatory requirements.


  • Develop a comprehensive internal portal for effective management of vehicles, nonconformities, suppliers, accreditations, documents, and staff qualifications
  • Implement alert systems for expiring documents, training, and upcoming renewals
  • Ensure the portal supports auditing purposes by maintaining detailed records and compliance data
  • Create a user-friendly interface to enhance operational efficiency and usability
  • Develop a Skills Matrix to provide an overview of staff training and qualifications

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Best Practices



Key Features and Functionalities

1. Vehicle Management
The portal includes a dedicated section for managing Tate’s fleet of vehicles. This feature allows users to track vehicle details, maintenance schedules, and compliance with regulatory requirements, ensuring all vehicles are properly maintained and documented.

2. Nonconformity Management
We developed a nonconformity management module to help Tate identify, document, and address any nonconformities within their operations. This tool facilitates the tracking and resolution of issues, promoting continuous improvement and compliance with industry standards.

3. Supplier and Accreditation Management
The portal includes tools for managing supplier information and accreditation details. Users can track supplier performance, manage accreditation records, and ensure that all suppliers meet Tate’s quality standards. This feature also provides alerts for upcoming renewals and expiring accreditations.

4. Document Management
We implemented a comprehensive document management system that allows users to store, organise, and access important documents. This system includes features for uploading, categorising, and searching documents, as well as setting alerts for expiring documents and required updates.

5. Training and Renewal Alerts
To ensure compliance with training and certification requirements, we developed an alert system that notifies users of upcoming training sessions, expiring certifications, and required renewals. This feature helps Tate maintain a well-trained and compliant workforce.

6. Skills Matrix
The Skills Matrix provides an overview of all staff training and qualifications, along with their expiry dates. This tool allows managers to quickly assess the training status of their team, identify gaps, and ensure that all staff members are up to date with their required certifications.

7. Auditing SupportT
he portal was designed with auditing purposes in mind, providing detailed records and data tracking for all managed aspects. This includes logs of document updates, training completions, and nonconformity resolutions, ensuring that Tate is always prepared for internal and external audits.

8. User-Friendly Interface
The portal features a clean and intuitive interface, making it easy for users to navigate and access the information they need. The design focuses on usability and efficiency, ensuring that all functionalities are readily available and easy to use.

Challenges and Solutions

Comprehensive Management Requirements
Developing a portal that effectively manages a wide range of operations required careful planning and execution. We ensured that each module was thoroughly tested and integrated, providing a seamless and cohesive user experience.

Alert System Implementation
Creating a reliable alert system for expiring documents, training, and renewals involved setting up automated notifications and ensuring accurate data tracking. We implemented robust algorithms to handle these tasks, providing timely and relevant alerts to users.

Ensuring Compliance and Auditing Support
The portal needed to support rigorous auditing requirements, requiring meticulous data management and record-keeping. We designed the system to log all relevant activities and provide detailed reports, ensuring that Tate could easily demonstrate compliance during audits.

Results and Feedback

The Tate portal was launched successfully, providing a comprehensive and user-friendly tool for managing vehicles, nonconformities, suppliers, accreditations, documents, and staff qualifications. The alert systems for expiring documents and training have been particularly well-received, helping to ensure compliance and improve operational efficiency. The Skills Matrix has provided managers with valuable insights into their team’s training status, further enhancing the portal’s utility. Users have praised the portal’s intuitive interface and robust functionalities, highlighting its positive impact on day-to-day operations and auditing preparedness.

Results & Metrics

2% decrease in missed renewals


The development of Tate’s internal portal has significantly enhanced their operational efficiency and compliance management. By integrating advanced features such as vehicle and supplier management, nonconformity tracking, document alerts, the Skills Matrix, and auditing support, we delivered a powerful tool that meets Tate’s complex needs. The positive feedback and improved performance underscore the success of the project and our commitment to delivering impactful digital solutions.

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