Featured Integrations: February 2017

Last month, we focused on integrations that help you grow your list. But once you get those new subscribers, how are you going to keep them engaged and interested in what you have to say? This month’s featured integrations focus on engagement, loyalty, and rewards to entice your customers into coming back for more.

Let’s make a deal

One of the best way to keep subscribers engaged is to reward them with deals. Think about it: How often do you search through your inbox for coupon codes when you’re ready to make a purchase?

A great way to add a coupon system into your plan is to use the Coupon Carrier integration. Coupon Carrier allows you to import a list of unique codes and then distribute the codes to new or existing customers. This way, subscribers can’t share their code with others.

Coupon Carrier also encourages subscribers to redeem coupons via a link that can be included in all those automation emails you’ve been sending. Speaking of automation, Coupon Carrier will even monitor your list so that when new subscribers sign up, they’ll automatically receive a welcome email with a unique coupon code. How’s that for convenience?

Connect with Coupon Carrier

Reward loyal followers

Customer retention is easy when there’s a loyalty program in place. Research has shown that loyal fans will spend 67 percent more than new buyers. Antavo provides an easy solution to customer loyalty and connects right back to your MailChimp account. With the help of Antavo, you can engage your customers through gamification and built-in sharing incentives, so they’ll be motivated to invite their friends to subscribe to your list.

Connect with Antavo

Grow your list with a contest

Want to get more likes on Facebook and grow your list at the same time? One great way to do that is to run a contest. Gleam Competitions runs engaging contests that automatically send entrants to any MailChimp list. Their simple drag and drop builder is easy to use and includes many different entry types.

Connect with Gleam Competitions

NPS, pls

The more loyal the customer, the more genuine the feedback. Why not boost your Net Promoter Score (NPS), while you’re discovering how your customers feel? With AskNicely, you can collect customer feedback on a daily basis, broadcast it to your team, then turn around and improve your customer relationships and service quality. AskNicely offers customizable, high-response surveys so you can get fast, honest feedback from your customers. The 30-day free trial doesn’t hurt, either.

Connect with AskNicely

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